Ramakrishna Vivekananda Vedanta Samiti Hoshangabad (M.P)(Regd.) Subdue the senses, do acts of charity, be compassionate, practice these three virtues — Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Mission & Vision

  • To practice and preach the Sanatana Dhaarma (the Eternal Religion) as exemplified in the life of Bhagwan Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa.
  • To serve the underprivileged in the field of health and education with special emphasis on tribal development.
  • To impart and promote the study of Vedanta and comparative religion in its widest form.
  • To impart, promote and undertake the study and research in the field of arts, science & technology and industry in all their branches, both basic and applied.
  • To carry on educational work both formal and non-formal among the masses with emphasis on character building in accordance with the teachings of Swami Vivekananda.
  • To organize and conduct relief and rehabilitation work in the event of natural calamities and to provide succor to the victims of disease and malnutrition.
  • To propagate cultural, ethical and spiritual values to the masses ingeneral and to the youth in particular to become responsible citizens of India.
  • To promote religious harmony through inter-faith dialogues.
  • To organize afforestation programme, cleanliness drive and mass awareness campaign for fighting every aspect of environmental pollution.
  • To promote the study of Sanskrit language and literature.
  • To effect an exchange of the highest ideals of the east and the West and to realize these in practice.
  • To strive to obtain affiliation of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, Howarh (W.B) as early as feasible for better management of the Samiti.