A country can only become great if the citizens are healthy, honest and intelligent.  In M.P (India), majority of the children are malnourished and as a result when they grow-up they become weak and disease prone. Consequently, they cannot enter the work force of the nation.

An effort is being made by this Samiti to free the children upto the age of 11 from malnutrition.  We start our action on expectant women and adopt the children upto class VIII.  We provide the pregnant mothers and the children with food supplements in the form of Protein Powder, Vitamin B Complex and Iron Syrup every month.  In addition, occasional medical checkup is being done to monitor the progress of the children and provide further medical support as and when required. Presently, we have adopted 08 villages & 1 Municipality  covering around 1000 children and 50 expectant mothers.  With the generous support of the benevolent public we hope to enhance our coverage to 10 villages & 2 Municipalities  involving 1500 children and 200 expectant and lactating mothers in coming years.