Ramakrishna Vivekananda Vedanta Samiti Hoshangabad (M.P)(Regd.) Subdue the senses, do acts of charity, be compassionate, practice these three virtues — Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Sri Sarada Shanti Ashram

The Retreat Centre named Sri Sarada Shanti Ashrama is situated on the lap of the Vindhyas on the northern bank of the Holy Narmada. Serious spiritual aspirants are welcome to stay at the centre for study and meditation. They will enjoy the opportunity to mix with holy men who happened to be there and get their doubts cleared.

Ordinarily the devotees can stay here for three (03) days and the same can be extended upto Seven (07) days subject to availability of accommodation.
For booking their boarding and lodging the devotees may contact the Swami In-charge on Mobile Number-8349068162, beforehand.